E no começo criaram o iogurte. depois o Yakult. e depois o orkut. e agora todos estão no orkut.
Não é q eu encontrei uma amiga que eu queria saber onde estava há anos??? E eu ainda não me acostumei com a idéia q eu tenho 28 anos e que pessoas nessa idade muitas vezes estão casadas e com filhos (com excessão dos meus amigos, claro... entre eles, essa é a excessão: estar oficialmente casados e com filhos).
Veja bem, veja bem, veja bem: são pessoas que fizerma parte da minha infância/aborrescência problemática/juventude largada! são pessoas que como eu, tem 15 anos!!! ah é, eu tenho 28... esqueci desse detalhe. mas eles ainda são tãããão jovens pra estar casados, tendo filhos!
q q aconteceu nos últimos anos mesmo? em q planeta eu moro? quem sou eu?
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Só eu chego em casa e NÃO ligo a tv? só eu prefiro ficar no meio do silêncio com eventuais latidos caninas a ficar ouvindo o ruído estranho de algum programa nada a ver q vem da tv? Só eu estou rodeada pelas pessoas mais esquisitas na terra? só eu encontro gente que parece normal mas que são as piores nessa vida?
Acho que isso tá mais pra mania de perseguição do q pra esquisitice... ou pra egocentrismo mesmo?! Como eu paro de pensar?
Acho que isso tá mais pra mania de perseguição do q pra esquisitice... ou pra egocentrismo mesmo?! Como eu paro de pensar?
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Acho que eu já comentei isso antes, mas não tenho mta certeza....
Uma das coisas mais estranhas que acontece desde que a gente mudou pra esse escritório é ouvir o galo cantar. Juro, tem um terreno meio estacionamento meio terreno baldio onde tem uns galos e galinhas ciscando. Isso poderia ser considerado 'normal' se a gente estivesse numa cidade pequena, mas em se tratando de São Paulo, perto da Marginal Tietê e ao lado de 3 vias de grande (entenda-se MUUITO) movimento, acaba sendo mais do que bizarro! Mais engraçado vai ser qdo tiver reunião com algum alto executivo de alguma grande empresa... só tou imaginando a cena:
- Então, como nós estávamos falando, o contrato que prevê a implantação da rede wi-fi para ... (interrompido por um cocoricóóóóóóóóóóóó)
Uma das coisas mais estranhas que acontece desde que a gente mudou pra esse escritório é ouvir o galo cantar. Juro, tem um terreno meio estacionamento meio terreno baldio onde tem uns galos e galinhas ciscando. Isso poderia ser considerado 'normal' se a gente estivesse numa cidade pequena, mas em se tratando de São Paulo, perto da Marginal Tietê e ao lado de 3 vias de grande (entenda-se MUUITO) movimento, acaba sendo mais do que bizarro! Mais engraçado vai ser qdo tiver reunião com algum alto executivo de alguma grande empresa... só tou imaginando a cena:
- Então, como nós estávamos falando, o contrato que prevê a implantação da rede wi-fi para ... (interrompido por um cocoricóóóóóóóóóóóó)
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Empresa lança câmera de 39 megapixels
Como assim "uma empresa"??? uma reles empresa? uma qualquer, de fundo de quintal?
é a Hassel! O jornalista podia ter pesquisado um pouquinho e ia descobrir que essa é uma das melhores fabricantes de câmeras que existe! (oh!) e não é de hoje! Talvez ele se assustasse com o fato de uma grande parte das fotos de publicidade são feitas com essa câmera! (ohhhh!!!!) e que alguns dos nomes mais conhecidos da fotografia usavam Hasselblads! (ohhh!! ohhhh!!)
Tudo bem, o jornalista não é fotógrafo, mas ele deve conhecer fotógrafos, e esses com certeza conhecem a hasselblad!
Como assim "uma empresa"??? uma reles empresa? uma qualquer, de fundo de quintal?
é a Hassel! O jornalista podia ter pesquisado um pouquinho e ia descobrir que essa é uma das melhores fabricantes de câmeras que existe! (oh!) e não é de hoje! Talvez ele se assustasse com o fato de uma grande parte das fotos de publicidade são feitas com essa câmera! (ohhhh!!!!) e que alguns dos nomes mais conhecidos da fotografia usavam Hasselblads! (ohhh!! ohhhh!!)
Tudo bem, o jornalista não é fotógrafo, mas ele deve conhecer fotógrafos, e esses com certeza conhecem a hasselblad!
Monday, January 16, 2006
"me joga na parece me chama de lagartixa"
"me abre me fecha me chama de gaveta"
"me joga no chao e me chama de tapete"
Se eu ouvisse essas frases eu ia começar a rir e não ia conseguir fazer mais nada!
"me abre me fecha me chama de gaveta"
"me joga no chao e me chama de tapete"
Se eu ouvisse essas frases eu ia começar a rir e não ia conseguir fazer mais nada!
Dúvidas cruéis
eu que sou prática demais ou eu não entendo qdo alguém não é prático? Quem nasceu primeiro o ovo ou a galinha? tostines é fresquinho pq vende mais ou vende mais pq é fresquinho?
Tá, agora eu não tou posso mais reclamar que vou morrer sozinha. é... acho q eu tou namorando... =DDDD
hm... mas eu sou reclamona! e depois, se eu não reclamar, como vou construir meu castelo no andar de baixo?
Tá, agora eu não tou posso mais reclamar que vou morrer sozinha. é... acho q eu tou namorando... =DDDD
hm... mas eu sou reclamona! e depois, se eu não reclamar, como vou construir meu castelo no andar de baixo?
Friday, January 13, 2006
Me empolguei naquele teste de problemas, tinha um link lá pra um teste de personalidade, demorei 3 horas pra preencher, quase dormi, mas acho que o resultado foi bem parecido comigo...
let's see...
# You may demonstrate positive possessiveness by developing strong attachments; however, you will not be overly involved as some others tend to do.
# Others may perceive you as being undemonstrative and self-controlled. Not wanting to be the center of attention, you generally support others.
# You prefer a warm, friendly environment free of conflict and hostility. In that environment, you prefer reassurance of your involvement and self-worth.
# You tend to be loyal to others. Your loyalty shows in a variety of ways including your "staying power" with relationships and activities.
# You show self-control in most things you do; you are not an extremist. Others may see you as stable, mature and steadfast.
(nesse caso aqui acho que tá meio errado)
# You are a good friend and are always willing to help those you consider to be your friends. You also show strong ties, and will be uncomfortable when separated from your friends for an extended period.
# You tend to dislike sudden or abrupt changes. You prefer things the way they are. Your motto might be: "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
# You have a basic need to be supportive of others. You will agree with others, sometimes even if it's not what you really want.
# Because of your lenient and complacent nature, others with fewer scruples may take advantage of you. You could, perhaps, benefit from greater assertiveness.
# You tend to be a traditionalist, and will enjoy the social environment best if it is stable and predictable. You dislike sudden decisions about where to go or what to do, preferring to think things out first.
# You are good at reconciling (i.e. you don't like to sulk after a conflict is resolved).
(aqui eu também duvido)
# You are very supportive of other people.
# You tend to be an objective, careful evaluator of situations.
# You are a dependable and caring partner.
# You take pride in being very loyal to friends and family.
# You are skilled at finding practical solutions to complicated situations.
# You tend to have very high values.
# You are excellent at listening to the concerns and ideas of others.
# You tend to be the "Anchor of Reality" in highly emotional situations.
(menos quando a coisa acontece comigo)
# You are very sincere in actions and words.
# You tend to set and maintain very high standards for yourself.
# Others will notice that you are a sincere person about what you say and do. This trait, along with the excellent listening skills, creates an individual whom most people find pleasant to be with and a calming type of person.
(quem me conhece bem sabe que não é lá aquelas cousas)
# You tend to internalize conflict. As a result, if something about another is bothering you, you may bottle-up feelings and keep them inside.
# You have a communications style which many people are comfortable with almost immediately. You are sincere, a good listener, not pushy and overall a comfortable person to be near.
# You may be less talkative than some others, but people will generally know how you are feeling by observing many nonverbal cues.
# In your group, you may support the group leader rather than vie for a leadership position yourself. As a result, the group leader will usually appreciate the support you bring.
# You are somewhat reserved in meeting new people. As a result, you could benefit from more assertive people doing the appropriate introductions to new people.
# You tend to be a good listener. Others may seek you out to share a thought or concern because of your empathic listening style.
# In communicating with others, you may support the mainstream ideas rather than new trailblazing activities. You may prefer the stable and traditional activities.
# Reassurance.
# Freedom from pressure to perform or to act quickly without precedent.
# Fewer changes, if many changes have occurred recently.
# Things done "right" the first time.
# Others to adhere to your high standards.
# Time to adjust to change.
# Recognition for your concern for quality relationships.
# Limited socializing, especially with new people.
# Objectivity and logic in relationships and activities.
# Security and safety procedures around the house: fire safety, smoke detectors, electronic security systems, etc.
# Others to present their ideas and information in a logical order.
# Time away occasionally--you value your privacy.
Alguma opinião??
let's see...
# You may demonstrate positive possessiveness by developing strong attachments; however, you will not be overly involved as some others tend to do.
# Others may perceive you as being undemonstrative and self-controlled. Not wanting to be the center of attention, you generally support others.
# You prefer a warm, friendly environment free of conflict and hostility. In that environment, you prefer reassurance of your involvement and self-worth.
# You tend to be loyal to others. Your loyalty shows in a variety of ways including your "staying power" with relationships and activities.
# You show self-control in most things you do; you are not an extremist. Others may see you as stable, mature and steadfast.
(nesse caso aqui acho que tá meio errado)
# You are a good friend and are always willing to help those you consider to be your friends. You also show strong ties, and will be uncomfortable when separated from your friends for an extended period.
# You tend to dislike sudden or abrupt changes. You prefer things the way they are. Your motto might be: "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
# You have a basic need to be supportive of others. You will agree with others, sometimes even if it's not what you really want.
# Because of your lenient and complacent nature, others with fewer scruples may take advantage of you. You could, perhaps, benefit from greater assertiveness.
# You tend to be a traditionalist, and will enjoy the social environment best if it is stable and predictable. You dislike sudden decisions about where to go or what to do, preferring to think things out first.
# You are good at reconciling (i.e. you don't like to sulk after a conflict is resolved).
(aqui eu também duvido)
# You are very supportive of other people.
# You tend to be an objective, careful evaluator of situations.
# You are a dependable and caring partner.
# You take pride in being very loyal to friends and family.
# You are skilled at finding practical solutions to complicated situations.
# You tend to have very high values.
# You are excellent at listening to the concerns and ideas of others.
# You tend to be the "Anchor of Reality" in highly emotional situations.
(menos quando a coisa acontece comigo)
# You are very sincere in actions and words.
# You tend to set and maintain very high standards for yourself.
# Others will notice that you are a sincere person about what you say and do. This trait, along with the excellent listening skills, creates an individual whom most people find pleasant to be with and a calming type of person.
(quem me conhece bem sabe que não é lá aquelas cousas)
# You tend to internalize conflict. As a result, if something about another is bothering you, you may bottle-up feelings and keep them inside.
# You have a communications style which many people are comfortable with almost immediately. You are sincere, a good listener, not pushy and overall a comfortable person to be near.
# You may be less talkative than some others, but people will generally know how you are feeling by observing many nonverbal cues.
# In your group, you may support the group leader rather than vie for a leadership position yourself. As a result, the group leader will usually appreciate the support you bring.
# You are somewhat reserved in meeting new people. As a result, you could benefit from more assertive people doing the appropriate introductions to new people.
# You tend to be a good listener. Others may seek you out to share a thought or concern because of your empathic listening style.
# In communicating with others, you may support the mainstream ideas rather than new trailblazing activities. You may prefer the stable and traditional activities.
# Reassurance.
# Freedom from pressure to perform or to act quickly without precedent.
# Fewer changes, if many changes have occurred recently.
# Things done "right" the first time.
# Others to adhere to your high standards.
# Time to adjust to change.
# Recognition for your concern for quality relationships.
# Limited socializing, especially with new people.
# Objectivity and logic in relationships and activities.
# Security and safety procedures around the house: fire safety, smoke detectors, electronic security systems, etc.
# Others to present their ideas and information in a logical order.
# Time away occasionally--you value your privacy.
Alguma opinião??
hoje não é um bom dia pra fazer o teste, mas....
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid Disorder: | Moderate |
Schizoid Disorder: | Low |
Schizotypal Disorder: | High |
Antisocial Disorder: | Low |
Borderline Disorder: | Very High |
Histrionic Disorder: | High |
Narcissistic Disorder: | Moderate |
Avoidant Disorder: | Very High |
Dependent Disorder: | High |
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: | Moderate |
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! -- -- Personality Disorders -- |
Diploma de Arquiteta
Descobri pra q q eu fiz arquitetura! Pra construir meu castelinho lá embaixo! =D
A essas alturas já nem ligo mais, não vou estar sozinha! E já que é assim, pra que eu vou procurar ser uma pessoa boa? ligando a teclinha do foda-se....
A essas alturas já nem ligo mais, não vou estar sozinha! E já que é assim, pra que eu vou procurar ser uma pessoa boa? ligando a teclinha do foda-se....
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I Wil Survive
Essa sou eu hoje:
Gloria Gaynor
At first I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along
and so you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me
Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
Oh as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive (hey-hey)
It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
But now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
and now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me
Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
Oh as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive
Gloria Gaynor
At first I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along
and so you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me
Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
Oh as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive (hey-hey)
It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
But now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
and now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me
Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
Oh as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Mais recente objeto de desejo da minha vida.
Mas eu confesso que tenho até medo de ver quanto sairia essa brincadeira...
Alguém aí sabe onde eu arranjo uma árvore de dinheiro???
Mas eu confesso que tenho até medo de ver quanto sairia essa brincadeira...
Alguém aí sabe onde eu arranjo uma árvore de dinheiro???
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Quebrar paradigma é frase de nego que não sabe o que dizer. Na boa mas virou moda. mas que no momento não me diz nada.
Quebrar paradigma:
"Quebrar paradigma é romper padrão, conceitos e fazer com que outras pessoas possam aprender com isso." (tirado de um site de internet)
"De acordo com o dicionário, paradigma quer dizer “um exemplo que serve como modelo, padrão”. Ou seja, tudo o que fazemos de forma convencional, usual e costumeira. Quando um novo problema surge consultamos os velhos modelos disponíveis e, se não encontramos solução, tendemos a pensar porque raios temos que topar com aquela pedra."
Bom, se não fosse assim por que estudamos história?
Quebrar paradigma:
"Quebrar paradigma é romper padrão, conceitos e fazer com que outras pessoas possam aprender com isso." (tirado de um site de internet)
"De acordo com o dicionário, paradigma quer dizer “um exemplo que serve como modelo, padrão”. Ou seja, tudo o que fazemos de forma convencional, usual e costumeira. Quando um novo problema surge consultamos os velhos modelos disponíveis e, se não encontramos solução, tendemos a pensar porque raios temos que topar com aquela pedra."
Bom, se não fosse assim por que estudamos história?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
...começou bem: na praia, com sol, comendo camarão!
Alguns quilos mais barriguda, uma pele de dar inveja ao homem pedra mas me sentindo muito bem! =D
Que venha 2006!
Ah, mas o ano só começa mesmo no dia 29 de janeiro, com o começo do ano chinês! que não sei por que cargas d'água resolveram falar na tv que começou dia 31, mas beleza.
(sim, eu continuo sendo reclamona!isso não vai mudar de uma hora pra outra! =P)
Alguns quilos mais barriguda, uma pele de dar inveja ao homem pedra mas me sentindo muito bem! =D
Que venha 2006!
Ah, mas o ano só começa mesmo no dia 29 de janeiro, com o começo do ano chinês! que não sei por que cargas d'água resolveram falar na tv que começou dia 31, mas beleza.
(sim, eu continuo sendo reclamona!isso não vai mudar de uma hora pra outra! =P)
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